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The peace of the night sky. All three of the great races get a sense of wonder when looking up at Varzuun's night sky, even the Maedar. They, as a result of dwelling underground, are adverse to the bright light of the sun, so when they come out to the surface world, the Maedar do so mostly at night.
Thirteen major and fifty-three minor constellations, called The Major and Minor Stellarcana, paint the picturesque background of Varzuun's night sky. Twelve of the thirteen major constellations are named after creatures or beings they resemble in image, but each is also named and ascribed attributes of one of the twelve Arch-Seraphim, the most powerful celestial beings in the Omniverse, beneath A-nak. The thirteenth and largest is called The Throne, or Cathedrus A-naki, A-nak's seat of power, as it resembles a figure seated in a great chair. On a certain day each year, the sun appears as the face of the figure. That day is considered the holiest day of the year and venerated by all the great races. Soon, this day will fall on the summer solstice. |

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MÜ'n'Dru is a seer and astrologer who will often make observations of the night sky as a form of divination, and then interpret them to assist planning of future events.

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Comets and the Red Moon:
Omens and Portents

Many of the denizens of Varzuun view astronomical phenomena as supernatural harbingers of events about to happen. These portents may be interpreted as benign or malevolant. Most see the random appearances of the red moon Rojann as the coming of a time of (violent) upheaval. Comets, especially blue ones, are usually thought to herald the coming of someone special, such as a hero or king.
The Wanderers (Planeta)

Nine stars, called The Wanderers, or Planeta, move and shift positions against the picturesque background of the thirteen major constellations. Their positions at the time are believed to influence the out come of pending events, |
Meteors and Eclipses:
Harbingers of things to come

Astrology and astrologers, along with myths and superstitions, make up a large part of the belief system of many of the peoples of Varzuun. Charlatans and deceivers abound, but, conveniently, there are a (necessary few) strange individuals who seem to have a gift and talent for such arcane arts as augury, divination, and prediction. Among them, of course, is MÜ'n'Dru (Moon-Drew), high priestess of the viDruids.
The Constellations (Stellarcana)

There are thirteen major constellations (Stellarcana Majorii) in Varzuun's night sky: Twelve said to represent the twelve Arch-Seraphim, plus the 13th, called The Throne (of A-nak). There are fifty-three minor constellations (Stellarcana Minorii)